3.6: Exploring Our Options


Hello and welcome back to Heroes and Villains!  Last week, the family was devastated by the death of their iguana, Ghirahim joined Zelda and Ganon in teenagerhood, Brennan clung to his unnaturally long life, and Zelda called up some friends/cousins for a slumber party just before prom.


Party guests at 3 o’ clock!  I guess Irina decided to hide behind inside one of the two guests who isn’t related to our family…as if she didn’t look creepy enough already.  But who’s that there in the back…?

Ah yes, Mayra.  Ganon visited her back in update 3.4 when they were children.  We said we’d keep an eye on her, and I sure have. Winking smile


Now it’s Ghirahim’s turn to “keep an eye on her.”  He introduces himself before she even gets through the door.  Ah, and I see Karri Blanco managed to extricate herself from Irina.

Karri: *shudder*


Mayra: “I’d love to hear all about your plans to take over the world, but maybe we could continue this conversation inside?  I’m supposed to be Zelda’s guest, after all.”


Just then, I got a notification that Sofia has earned a reputation of “exploring her options.”  WTF?  I went to check on her, and she was standing there innocently eating cake.  How is that “exploring your options?”

Sofia: “This cake is better than sex, that’s how.  I feel like I’m cheating on Belloq every time I take a bite.”


….Moving on.


And then, of course, before we could get the boys to ask the girls to prom, it was time for everyone to camp out on the floor in their sleeping bags.  Sigh.


Aw, Kali, you can do better!  He’s ancient.  ><


Cassie: “Happy birthday, son!  Cait has a surprise for you.”

Draco: “Really?!  What is it?”

More like who is it…


This is Celeste Pixel!  She’s from Pixel Perfect, and she’s going to be Draco’s mate!  She fits right in, because all the kittens so far have been named after celestial constellations. ^^


Draco: *wink* “How you doin’?” 


I think Draco approves.


After school that afternoon…

Ghirahim: “I feel strange.  As if I’m being watched….”

Go talk to heeeeer!  Unfortunately, the game wouldn’t let him. :/


But heeeey, look who came home with the boys!  Look at that HAIR!  I gave him a makeover, but his hair was already that color.  AND he has some funky genetics going on….Zelda, where are you?  Get over here and ask him to prom!


Of course he had to run off before Zelda could get to him, so she kinda…followed him home. XD  His name is Domingo Shepherd-Riffin.


Draco: “I hope Celeste is ready for this…”


Draco: “Because I am one hot daddy!”

Not yet, you’re not.  You’d need kittens first.  And you can’t have any until Galaxy and Voodoo have passed on, because that would equal 15-17 sims/cats in the house and yeah…I have enough lag.  That’ll leave plenty of time for you and Celeste to get to know each other.

Galaxy and Voodoo have about 10 days left, give or take a few.  *sniff*


Meanwhile, Zelda’s been busy chatting up Domingo and asking if he’s single.  Turns out, he is!


His little sister (I assume) watched the whole exchange with her red demon eyes.  Creepy.


Zelda did finally get around to asking, though they still barely knew each other, so I wasn’t sure if he’d go for it.


I hope that is a positive facial expression…




Brennan watch: 114 days old and counting.


Three generations. ❤


LOL, the kids in this legacy!  They keep rolling LTWs the same as their parents.  I went ahead and locked it in for him, though.


Walter: “Hey, Brennan!  You up to a game, like old times?”


Brennan: “Dear Jeebus, it’s a ghost!”


Walter: “I’ll take that as a ‘no.’”


And a creature emerges from the depths…

Zelda: “Hush.  I don’t wanna talk about it.”

Hurry up and discover a successful potion so I can get that wish out of the queue?


Oh, what a cool-looking stray!


Finally, prom night arrives.  Zelda’s the only one who managed to get an actual date.  Good for you, girl!


It was a fairly uneventful event, except for Zelda’s first kiss.


Cute prom pics, though!


Galaxy got enough LTR points for the Food Bowl of Awesomeness!


Ooops, Ghirahim didn’t quite make it home in time before he was picked up by the cops.


Deer: “Gah, what is he thinking?!  He could do so much better!”

Poor Sofia. XD


WHAT?!  Nooooo….

And then not two seconds later:



So what else was there to do but invite her over?  XD


That’s a pretty crazy gleam in your eye there, Ghirahim.

Ghirahim: “Look at her; she’s perfect!  She will be mine!”

Well, she actually has kind of a weird jaw, but she’s definitely the prettiest I’ve seen in town so far.  I approve of your statement.




Link: “By the way, it’s my birthday.”

Oh, crap.  I totally forgot.


Link: “It’s okay.  I’m not traumatized or anything.”


Great.  Now I have guilt.

But wow, he sure is good-lookin’!  Definitely out of the running for heir.  Anyway, everyone, that’s where we’ll leave off for this update.  Next time:  Will Ghirahim manage to convince Mayra to break up with his cousin and be with him instead?  Will Zelda get Domingo to commit?  Will I pay any attention at all to Link and Ganon (seems unlikely…)?  Will Brennan ever die?!

27 thoughts on “3.6: Exploring Our Options

  1. Ahahaha will Brennan ever die? I have a feeling that’s coming up… but if not HE’S SUPER BRENNAN! 😀

    Can’t wait for the next installment 😀

  2. Much respect to you for being able to handle so many sims and pets, lol. And dang story progression, always working against us!

    I still love Draco. He is awesome. Can’t wait to see his kittens!! ….but that means Voodoo and Galaxy will be dead. *cries*

    • Haha, it’s very slow going. This update spanned, like, 1 1/2 sim-days…lol. I take way too many pictures. ><

      Yeah, I figured Draco and Celeste have lots of time to have kittens, so I might as well try and keep the lag as low as possible and wait until there's more room in the house. But I will miss Voodoo and Galaxy, my cat legacy founders!

  3. Oooh I think Brennan’s going to outlive ’em all. Muahaha! Lol.

    I do hope that Zelda and Ghirahim manage to get their respective boy and girl. It’s a real pain when you’ve decided on The One for your simmies and then you find out they’ve gone and got themselves attached to someone else so you either have to start looking around again or do something drastic!

  4. I’m one of your silent readers and have been since the Moss family which I loved and miss 😥

    One of my resolutions is to start commenting on the blogs I love so here I am! I just wanted to say that I love your writing and your updates never fail to make me smile, laugh, cry etc etc 🙂

    • Aw, it’s nice to meet a lurker! Have you read my new story, Shift Into Something New? If you’re missing the Mosses, it might help with that. 😉

      That’s a great resolution! I’m so glad you enjoy reading my projects as much as I enjoy writing them. 😀 Thanks for taking the time to comment!

  5. Yay! I’m so excited to see Celeste here. She’s beautiful in your game… which makes me wonder if I ever adjusted my graphics settings after purchasing my awesome computer lol!

    I love Zelda, her style is so fun!

    • Celeste is so pretty! I’m excited to see her kittens with Draco. It’ll be a while, but I know they’ll be adorable. Congrats on your new computer, too!

      I love Zelda, as well…she is a fun sim to play.

  6. Phew, thanks for putting this up today! I stupidly decided to re-watch Avatar on Netflix, and I was stupidly bawling my eyes out again!

    Heyyyyyy, Mayra is pretty cute!

    Hahaha, coward sims. Just be careful, Brennan! Don’t break your old hip bones!

    Strays never come by my houses for some reason…maybe they’re scared of me. :S

    • Awww, glad I could help make you feel better then. 🙂
      Mayra is unique, and I think she’s quite pretty! She has a small nose and kind of an odd cheekbone shape, but I shall not be afraid of unique genetics! Hehe.
      You should put those stray-friendly gnomes out on your lawn to encourage some strays!

  7. Pingback: Ch. 4.6 – Through Time and Space | Pixel Perfect – A Gamer's Legacy

  8. Link looks like a handsome young Reaver!!! I approve of him. He almost looks like Rey, just not with Bowen’s genes – obviously. I still LOVE him!!!

    And holy tolledo!!! 16 SIMS and PETS!!! You are Crazy woman! I couldn’t handle that many ever, and I tend to have 8-10 in a house any given time.

    • He does! His Pierce genes are coming through pretty strongly. He’s definitely much too handsome for heirship, but I love him. 🙂
      Haha, right now it’s at 14, and it’s pretty laggy, but not unplayable. I just don’t want to make it any worse!

  9. Wow, Link is good looking! o.o And awwww, Brennan. Don’t ever die! ;A; I loved the picture with the deer, haha. Poor Sofia. XD

    I love your kitties! 😀 ❤

    • Yes, he is, for sure! I’m not sure Brennan WILL ever die…lol, I love his stubborn self. LOL, Sofia’s so much older than Bell! But I think she’s sweet, and he definitely loves her. They roll wishes for each other all the time.

      Thanks! I love them too. ❤

  10. I loved the three generation pic of the cats…and mistakenly read that you would have 15-17 cats in game (not sims and cats) and had visions of the crazy cat lady house…even a combination of cats and sims is amazing…I could never handle that!! Loved your update, as always…although I can’t help fearing that the end is near for Brennan 😦

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