3.5: Rawr!


Welcome back to another update full of fun with Heroes and Villains!  Hope you all had a fantabulous holiday season…and Happy New Year’s Eve!

Last time, we had some birthdays, and found out there were kittens on the way.  Can’t wait to see them!  And on we go…


Belloq: “You know what’s my favorite thing to do in the morning, Grandpa?”

Brennan: “What’s that, boy?”


Belloq: “Be awakened at 4am to the sound of a hammer pounding on metal.”

Raven: “It’ll be pounding on your head in a minute if you don’t quit making remarks.”

Sooo, Raven’s working on her handiness for her job at the science center.


I was nice and let Ghirahim have his IF, Hesper.  They always have cool genetics…I just have trouble making them real with a full household.  So we’ll see.


Cassie: “Hey, everyone, it’s kitten time!”



Two!  Aw, they’re cute.  Good job, Cass!


They’re both boys, with identical markings.  Dorado is on the left, and Draco is on the right. ❤
I’m keeping the fluffy one, because I like fluffy.  ^^


Cassie: “What’s goin’ on, Dad?  I suddenly find my eyes glued to you of their own volition.”


Galaxy: “Is this it, Cait?  Is it ‘my time?’”

Oh, you’re just getting old, silly.  Stop being so melodramatic.


Aw, and look, everyone’s cheering for you!

Cassie: “Why couldn’t I have had any girl kittens?”

Well, almost everyone.


Galaxy: “I still got it, right?”

Always, my boy.  Always.


Voodoo: “I know it’s my turn for this whole elder thing, but do I really have to have bladder problems already??”


Voodoo: “Do you have to take a picture?  Really, this is so embarrassing.”

Sorry, dear.  I’ll come back when you’re finished.


Because of her white fur, she doesn’t really look any different as an elder.


Raven: “Cake for breakfast.”

Ghirahim: “Again?”

Sofia: “I love cake!  You should be grateful.  Why, when I was a little girl, we had to walk 6 miles in the snow, uphill both ways to get any cake.”

Sofia, you sound like my grandpa.


Awww, like mother, like daughter.


Raven: “Here, Ganon, your bus is almost here and you don’t look too happy.”

Ganon: “Thanks, Aunt Raven!!”

My sims would die without the mood manager.


Even though his cage was clean and his food full, our iguana, Dragon, passed away.  I suck at keeping minor pets alive. Sad smile

Galaxy: “That’s gonna be me soon!”

Cassie: “Don’t say that, Dad, you’ve got a lot of time left!”


Everyone loves the cats, and are constantly rolling cat-related wishes, and still the kitties’ social bars are almost always in the red.  Game, Y U NO WORK RIGHT??


And it’s not just the cats.  Everyone’s needs decay so fast that it’s all I can do to keep the kids’ grades passing, without them passing out as soon as school is out.  And they never get lunch at school anymore! 



Brennan: “You sad, boy?  Huh?  Well suck it up!  You’re a man, now.”

Ganon: *sniff* “Y-yes, Great-Grandpa.”

Brennan: “Good.  Here, I’ll take care of the cleanup.  You go…do your homework or something.”


Brennan: “Oh, Dragon, why’d you have to die, little buddy??”

He tries to be evil but he’s not very good at it.  XD  He’s also 111 days old, now.


Sofia finally got to the point where she can paint portraits, and Raven’s turned out pretty bad-ass!


Lookin’ pretty fancy down in the family crypt. 

Walter: “Hey, good-lookin’.” 

Haha, he’s not conceited at all.

Walter: “I was talking to my wife’s picture.”



Ghirahim had a wish to play chess, and Belloq wanted to play a game with Ghirahim, so I set up a cute little chess nook outside.  I really want to do some nice landscaping and decorating, but I get so little time to play that I feel like it would eat all my time and then there’d be no update…so yeah.  I guess I’ll just keep doing it little by little.


Zelda: “This is the first time I’ve been in this update, and you can’t even see my eyes!”

My bad.


That’s actually as wide as they’ll open when she’s reading.  :3


Draco: “Comfy rug is comfy. *purrrr*”


Link: “Rawr!”

School bus is here.

Link: “Awww, but I just got into my costume!”

Better time management, my boy.

Later that night…


Link: “Went to school, did my homework…now, RAWR!”

There ya go. Open-mouthed smile


I swear…Belloq’s team sucks.  They haven’t won a single game, even though I have him “prepare for game” every time he goes to work.


Sofia finished her own portrait and Belloq’s. ❤


Zelda wanted to throw a slumber party, and seeing as how it’s almost prom time, I let her.  Apparently, there are only 4 teens in town right now.  Three of them are female, and the only boy is her cousin, Donovan.  I checked to make sure, but Zelda is 100% straight.

Well, at least Ganon and Ghirahim have a shot at getting a date for the prom.


Yep, as luck would have it, Ghirahim’s aging up right before prom time!  Poor Link will probably be the only kid in the house to miss it.  ><


Ghirahim: “Hellz yeah, the ladies are gonna love me.”

Well, this lady certainly does. ❤


Oh boy…Is there a horse in our future?  It’s possible…though Raven is a Dog Person and has never actually wished for a dog.

Anyway, next week:  A slumber party.  Prom.  Link’s birthday.  Draco’s birthday (remember Draco?).  Maybe Brennan will die?  D:

Brennan: “Screw you!  And screw death, too.”

We’ll see.  XD

21 thoughts on “3.5: Rawr!

  1. Whoaaaa, Ghirahim! ❤ He's a hottie! And the kittens are adorable!


    I'm happy that Brennan's not dying, but the house must be pretty full, and trust me, with 13 Olympians in the house I know how it feels xD

    Happy New Year, Styx!


    And omg I know, full houses always drive me nuts because I micro-manage everything my sims do. Tamara’s adventures are always such a relief because for once I’m only controlling her, not the entire household, haha. And that’s just the 8 sim limit =P Oh and a dog. And a bird.

    And nooooo, Brennan will never die, NEVARRRRRRR. >.>

    ….Happy New Year!!!!!

    • IKR?? I luffs them!

      YES, I have to micro-manage, or everyone’s needs just drop and they just stand around and whine. -.- Brennan just keeps hangin’ in there! He’s not my longest lived sim ever, but it’s close.

      Happy New Year to you!

  3. Can I has other kitten please he(?) is adorible. :O 111 days old I have never had one last that long but then again i had to kill my last lot of elders, they wouldnt die their age meter wouldnt move of if it did the it would shoot right back when it had 1 day left 😦 anyway lovely chapter

  4. Awww kitties are cute. Ghirahim didn’t turn out bad at all! Where do I find that hair?! Aww, Brennan can’t ever die! Already looking forward to the next update.

    Happy New Year!

    • Thanks! I loooove the kitties, and I was pleased with how Ghirahim looked, too. I looked for the hair, and found out it’s a Peggy donation hair that has been retextured by someone, but I couldn’t for the life of me find out who has retextured it and posted it for download. I couldn’t even find the name of it so that you could get it from the booty. Peggy’s site won’t ever load for me…I just get a blank white screen. >< Sorry. D:

      Hope you had a great New Year's!

  5. Oooh the cats and kitties are just adorable and Brennan living to eleventy one is just amazing. 🙂

    Link’s funny … Rawr Lol

    Great update Styx.

  6. Great update!! I dread the day Brennan dies but it’s bound to happen eventually. Ghirahim turned out pretty awesome…I’m glad he’s the heir. I’m kind of hoping that evil Ghirahim ends up with an evil horse for a sidekick. Can’t wait for prom!!

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