2.10: Crazy Brennan


Welcome back to Heroes and Villains!  Last time, my save kinda asploded, so I had to move whoever I could to a new save.  It sucked to leave some of the family behind, but we’re moving forward best we can.  That said, let’s get to this week’s update!

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2.3: Mini Chapter of Fail

It’s that time again!  Thanks for hanging out with our Heroes and Villains every week, guys, we really appreciate it. Smile  However, this week’s update is going to be shorter than usual, due to the fact that this week has been a really rough one for me.  Also, there is no title card, because…well, it’s such a short chapter. ><

Last time, my game was running smoother so the founders got to stay, Belloq played camouflage in the nursery, and Mystie kept rolling wants for more babies.  Also, little Kali was born and grew into a beautiful purple-eyed toddler.

I apologize if this update reads funny–I’m sick and maybe a little delirious.

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