1.1: Get It On


Chapter 1.1 means at least one baby this update, but our title image may be a little spoilerish.  Woot!

So last time, Ursula got knocked up, and Ariel failed to get knocked up.  Then, we discovered Ariel’s man was not too busy to knock someone else up.


Of course, Ariel doesn’t know that, and asked Walter on a romantic camping date, which he was glad to accept.  Probably nervous about his impending fatherhood.


They had a romantic dinner of stolen veggies roasted over the fire, among companionable conversation.



Ariel: “So, Walter, I rented us a tent for the night…

Walter: “Just one tent, huh?” *eyebrow waggle*

Ariel: “Yep, and coincidentally, there’s only one sleeping bag in there.  Looks like we’ll have to share…”


Walter: “Don’t worry, honey.  I’ll keep you plenty warm.”


Ariel: “Happy times!” Open-mouthed smile


Shake that tent!


This time, Walter proves himself.


Ariel’s pregnancy has not been as taxing as Ursula’s.  She’s only thrown up a couple of times, instead of every couple hours.


And she feels good enough to bag a promotion before she’s put on maternity leave!


Ursula was worried about how things at work were going during her own leave, so she asked her coworker, Frankie, to come visit and let her know what was going down.

First, though, he had to talk to the nooboo.  I love it when sim guys do that autonomously. XD


Frankie: “So, you got yourself knocked up, that’s awesome, mate!” *thumbs up*


Anyway, as those two finally get down to talking business, Ariel discovers her bump!

Ariel: “Aww, Walter will be so happy to know he’s going to be a daddy!”

Yeah, I’m not sure he’ll be thrilled that he got two women pregnant at the same time.


I had to buy the chemistry table because Ursula rolled the wish for it, but she hasn’t rolled up any follow-up wishes.  So thanks, Frankie, at least someone’s getting some use out of this thing!


Although I guess Ursula is a little busy…


Ariel: “OMG, Ursula, right NOW?  But…I’m so tired!  Can’t you hold it until morning?”

Ursula: “I love you, sis, but I’m seriously going to knock your lights out if you don’t shut up.”


Suddenly, Notzo Curious appears from the street, having seen the action.

Notzo: “OMG, how can you go into labor in the middle of the night!  So inconsiderate to those who need their beauty sleep.”

Ursula: “I’m going to kill someone.”


Eventually, Ariel managed to get her sister to the hospital.  Maybe it was because it took her forever, or maybe it was because of all of Ursula’s puking, but I wasn’t able to roll the baby’s traits.


A genius who’s scared of water, little Mystique joins the family as the very first Prettacy birth!


Let’s hope the skin color is the only thing she inherited from her mother. Winking smile


Her crib is outside for now, until we can afford a proper house, but it’s all decked out in black–the color for the first generation of the Prettacy. Smile


Ursula: “Is that my nose you’ve got there?  I sure hope not…”

Me too.


Ariel: “Being pregnant is awesome.”

Yeah, I miss it. Sad smile


Ursula: “Hey Brennan!  I called you over because there’s something I need to tell you…Well, you’re kind of a father!  Congrats!”


Brennan: “Really?!  OMG, Urs, that’s so awesome!  I love babies!”


After that kind of a reception to her life-altering news, Ursula decided that Brennan was a guy worth marrying.  I don’t blame her!


Now, as you know, I have to oblige her wishes ASAP.  Brennan’s the only one she’s got a high enough relationship with to marry, but he is most definitely not rich.  And I’m not sure I could bear to bump him off if he was. >.>  We might have to rethink Ursula’s LTW.


Because Brennan accepted her proposal!


Awww, I heart them.


Haha, Ursula’s silhouette looks just beautiful against the setting sun. XD


Ursula: “Tickle tickle!”

I love this interaction. ❤


Here’s Brennan’s little info card, since he’s officially part of the family now. ^^


With the money Brennan brought in, as well as Ariel’s promotion bonus, we were able to build a modest home, yay!  Ursula and her new husband broke in their bed right away.


And when little Mystique cried in the middle of the night, it was Brennan who got up to feed her.


Mystique’s Aunt Ariel did her share of baby care, as well.  In my game though, babies are only babies for two short days.


So Mystie’s birthday comes soon enough!  Time to see what we’ve got to work with…


Mom’s hair and skin…anything else?


Aww, she got the nose and the ears, too!  But, she did get Brennan’s eye shape and mouth.  She’s actually not too bad looking…we’ll take it!  I gave her hair black roots and highlights according to her generation’s color.  (Although, I think it’s quite amusing that her favorite color is actually white. XD)


Brennan: “Just play your guitar, Brennan, and pretend not to notice the naked pregnant lady taking a shower…”

Awkward.  Maybe it’s time for a real door on the bathroom. >.>


Soon, Bella gives birth to Walter’s firstborn, a girl named Kacey.

XD  My son’s name is Casey.  /random


Which means…yep, it’s about that time.


So, it seems no one bothered to take poor Ariel to the hospital.

Ariel: “This suuuuuucks.”


Ariel was a trooper though, and little Rogue was born with little fuss.


I was able to roll for her traits, and she ended up a clumsy couch potato.


She gets her nice little white crib.  I was thinking how funny it would be if her favorite color was black, but it’s green. Smile  Oh well, we love her anyway.




Brennan: “Hey baby, wanna get it on?”


Jeez, I can’t get over those things!

Ursula: “Are you crazy?  Mystie is right there.”


Ursula: “It would scar her for life.”

Ursula’s Boobies: “Back off or we’ll skewer you.”


Brennan: *sigh* “Fine.”

Mystique: “Oh, thank God. That was close.”


Ariel, unaware of Ursula and Brennan’s problems in bed, can’t help but be jealous of their relationship.

Ariel: “I just want someone to love.”

Don’t we all?


Ursula, really.  You have better things to do than to rummage through your own garbage.  Go potty train your toddler!


I’m working on getting their little house expanded and decorated, but it’s slow going.  Since both girls are still on maternity leave and Brennan’s pretty low in the music career, it’ll be a work in progress for a while.


Poor Ariel’s still sleeping in her sleeping bag.  I promise, a new bed and some flooring for your room are next on the list, Ari!


Aw, Rogue got an imaginary friend!  Poor Mystie…she’s neglected by second cousin Bertha. D:


Mystique: “Hmm, what’s in here?  Oooh, is that Mountain Dew?”



Mystie: *giggles*  “It’s fun to freak out the Voice, isn’t it, Mr. Potty?”



Ariel: “Isn’t that your carpool coming around the corner?”

Brennan: *Shovels mac’n’cheese even faster*


As soon as Walter got off work, Ariel invited him over to meet his daughter.  He took the news rather well.


Walter: “She’s beautiful, darling.  Just like you.”


Ariel: “Well, see, in case that turns out to be the case, I’d really like to make sure we get another shot at getting your nose into the family.”


Ariel: “Will you be my boyfriend?”

Walter: “Oka–“


Ariel: “Great!  Now how about…”


Ariel: “…being my husband?”


Walter: “I’m sorry, Ariel.  It’s just a little too fast for me.”

Ariel: “Rogue will never have a father in her life.” Sad smile


Ursula: “So, you’re my neice, huh?  I guess you’re not too bad.”

Ariel: “Finally got enough money for a real bed…zzzZZZzzz.”


Brennan has been making himself useful around the house.  Since I spend a ton of time making sure the girls complete their wishes, he’s kind of left with all the dirty jobs.  But, he never complains, and he loves taking care of the babies, too.  ❤


Ursula did finally roll the wish to teach Mystie to talk, at least.  She hadn’t spent much time with her, before that.


And, she was the only one who was in attendance for Rogue’s toddler birthday!


*Holds breath*  Let’s see what we’ve got here…


Ariel, you fail at making ugly children. :/  And she did not get Walter’s nose.  Boo.


Rogue: “Does this mean I won’t be heiress?”

Ariel: “Don’t listen to the Voice, honey.  She’s just a big meanie.”

Yes, you’ve mentioned that.  >.>


FYI: Ursula doesn’t fit her bed, either.  XD


Rogue: “Maybe if I just use my finger, I could expand my nose and the Voice would like me more.”

Well, I’ll admit, that’s not doing much for your attractiveness.


I’ll leave you with a shot of our two toddlers being cute–

Game: *crashes*


I have no idea where I last saved.  >.>  Okay, so, half this post didn’t actually happen! Open-mouthed smile


32 thoughts on “1.1: Get It On

  1. Wow Ursula’s packing some serious weaponry on her chest!
    Maybe Rogue will look different and have dad’s schnoz if you didn’t save her aging up? One can hope!
    I really can’t wait to see what Mystique looks like 😀

    • Hahahaha.
      So you’ve caught onto this generation’s theme, huh? 🙂
      I LOVED being pregnant. If I could just convince my husband I’d be TTC right now. I don’t love everything about it, but the things I DO love about it make it some of the best times in my life.

  2. Oh, boy. XD I know how you feel at the end there. XD

    Ursula just cracks me up. All the time. And omg her boobs. D:

    Brennan’s awesome. *_* I love baby Mystique. I wonder if she’ll inherit her mother’s chestal appendages. o_0

    Great update! ❤

    • Yeah, my game doesn’t usually crash, so when it does, it takes me completely by surprise. >< Fail.

      Haha Ursula cracks me up too! ❤

      Brennan's one of my favorite sims ever. XD I love him in Mariah's ISBI (like, literally! he married my simself. XD).

      Oh, god, good point! I hope those chestal appendages stay with her mother. Hahaha.

  3. I just read this the whole way through and omg it makes me laugh! Ursula is truly terrifying. Particularly in the area of boobage. She probably needs a license for those >_>

    On the other hand, the babies are cute =3 Bad game for crashing!

    • Yay, thanks for reading! Hahaha, Ursula is just so fun. And yes, a license would be good. >.> Or maybe an insurance policy, like J-Lo has on her butt. XD

  4. Love it, I also never noticed Ariel’s outfit. It is like my favourite, I used it on my founding spouse. Mystique and you have a good relationship. I LOLED at the it fun to freak voice out. Also Ursula is just a bit too big and when she and Brendan I never seen that before they were like “WOOO”

    Also her nose freaks me out when I notice it is like a hook. Well, That is enough procrastination.

    • Oh, the dress with the ruffles? Yeah, I like it too! Ariel’s insane, though, so she’s always wearing her formal or athletic or swimwear, and I’m like…”C’mon, change back to your pretty dress!” lol.

      Yes, Ursula is freakish in more ways than one. XD ❤

  5. Wow..those boobs. Haha. Nice.

    Also, the mountain dew thing…GROWSSSSS. XP

    Mystique is cute! I wonder if it will last, XD Some of those feature become more apparent when they get older. Haha.

    You know I think Rogue is gorgeous. ❤
    I'm still hoping she'll win the HOI poll. Sorry this is such a crappy comment, like I said to you in chat I'm feeling very @.@ right now.

    • They’re so crazy! They look dangerous to me. XD

      Mystique is not too bad for a second generation in a prettacy! I am pleased with her. Rogue is just… ❤ She's still in the lead in the HOI poll! But we might do a tie-breaker vote. 🙂

  6. Hilarious! I busted out laughing at Ursula’s bazooms so I was obligated to show them to my husband…he said, “Man, she’s got torpedos!” Then I scrolled down and saw your comment “Holy Torpedos!” Too funny! The girls are adorable so far…I’m going to have to do some googling to learn about your naming theme. Sorry about the game crashing…hate it when that happens.

    • Bwahahaha, that’s so funny! Great minds think alike I guess. 😛 Haha, the naming theme is X-Men. XD I didn’t think it’d be too hard, so I’ll just go ahead and tell you..lol.

  7. Ahh, I love your updates! They’re always so funny and mood lifting!

    Rogue and Mystique! So you know I totally love your naming theme, right? That is just too awesome! But srsly, I hope Ariel finally gets her butt in gear and makes some not-pretty babies! x3

    • Thanks, Deeds! ❤ I'm glad you're enjoying. 🙂

      Haha, X-Men is my favorite comic! Not that I've really read all the comics, but I've read some and I used to watch the cartoon series, and of course I love the movies.

  8. Good stuff! Madonna has nothing on Ursula 0.0!!

    I love that Walter is wearing a wedding ring when Ariel proposes to him. Hilarity. But aww… he shot her down ._.

    Have you got a lot of custom content? I’m really lazy and struggle to find the motivation to trawl through the sites to find new and cool stuff…

    • Haha yes, I never removed Walter’s wedding ring when I extracted him from his wife in Riverview. XD Minor details. >.>

      I have…a LOT of cc. I’m addicted. XD A good site to check out is mysims3blog.blogspot.com/. It lists a ton of great cc from all over the place!

  9. Oh noes, I hate it when I have to go back to a previous save file. Hope you don’t feel too discouraged about it (I know I need a few days before I’ll bother going back and playing over the same days/events in the game) and feel up to continuing with this, because frankly it’s one of the most entertaining legacies I’ve ever read. Very creative too. Keep it up, looking forward to reading the next update!

    • Yes, it’s very frustrating, isn’t it? >< But, I didn't lose too much, all in all. Thank you for your sweet comment! I'm glad you're enjoying! Next update is out. 🙂

  10. ““Does this mean I won’t be heiress?””
    No sorry Rogue, but I’ll do you one better. . . Marry into Heart of Insanity. Hehehe.

    Great update, and since she like got a bazillion votes, she wins! I get the heir. XD I love Urs the most though. And I really AM telling you, Reaver will give you the ugliness you need!!! Just look at River!

  11. I had to stop midway the chapter.. because Ursula’s chest in that picture was just too much… and then once I recovered from laughing.. your comment “holy torpedo” had me rolling again. I was afraid I wouldn’t make it through… and THEN I had tears in my eyes again when you mentioned that Ursula didn’t fit in her bed either. XD Oh, boy… Love love it!

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