1.7: Slow Game is SLOW


And we’re back!  Last time, Mystie took the reigns for the prettacy and moved in her handsome beau, Manny.  Wolverine went to prom and earned himself a crown and a girlfriend, and both Walter and Brennan bagged their LTWs.

So, I don’t like the house.  It’s bugging me.  I opened the game today (as I write this, it’s Sept. 4) with the intention of demolishing and rebuilding the whole house.  Then I realized how much work that would be, and how I’d have to redecorate for the next generation as soon as Mystie or Wolfie has a baby anyway…and I gave up on my epic rebuilding plans for now.

Sooo I just jumped right into playing. ^^


Manny got an opportunity which required him to push himself for 3 hours.  Happily, that lined right up with a couple wishes he had locked, so we got right to it.

Manny: *grunts* “Feel the burn!”

Whatever makes you happy, hon.  He’s up to level 7 althetics already.


Mystie: “Isn’t my dad’s Shawarma awesome?  He sure made a mess of the counter, though.”

Rogue: “Yeah, he really did.”

Walter: “So hungry, but….must. clean. counter.”

Poor perfectionist sims.


BTW, for all of you who, like me, thought Ursula looked even creepier as a skinny person, you’ll be happy to know she bounced right back to her original shape after she got her ex-husband to marry her again.


Ursula: “Am I the only one who cleans up in this house?”

Uh, actually, you almost never do.  Walter does most of it, and I do the rest with my nifty hand of God.  And your husband is gathering up all the dirty clothes to do laundry as we speak!

Ursula: “Yeah, but you forced him to do that.  It doesn’t count.”



Brennan: “I just want to put forward, for the record, that I cooked the awesome Shawarma that everybody ate tonight.  And I did that of my own free will!”

Ursula: “That was pretty epic Shawarma.  My argument is invalid.”


Ariel: “Son, I know it’s your birthday tomorrow, but I wanted to give you this a little early.”


Wolverine: “My spidey senses tell me this is a toy box, Mom.  You realize I’m going to be an official adult tomorrow, right?” *gives box back*


Ariel: “Why, you ungrateful little…!”

Wolfie: “Bored now.”

Rats.  I wanted to get that wish out of her queue, especially since she also has the wish to chat with him locked, but neither of them show the option to chat with one another!  *angryface*


Wolverine: “I wish I could eat rainbow cookies for every meal.”

Boinky: “Yep, makes the whole ‘imaginary’ gig totally worth it.  Well, that and the fact that I get to stalk you and say creepy things and no one will believe you if you say anything about it.”


So, Manny, you want to train someone, huh?  Looks like Ursula’s free.

Manny: *gulps*  “I have my work cut out for me.”


Ursula: “Do we really have to do this?  I’m exhausted just looking at this thing.”

Ariel: *writes like a mad woman* “Must…finish…LTW…”


Manny: “That’s it, keep it up!  You can do it!”

Ursula: *straaaaains* “OMG, I DID IT! I lifted it a WHOLE INCH!  Okay I’m done.”

><  She didn’t even do it long enough for his wish to get completed.  Sigh.


Ursula: “I’m just going to have to accept the fact that I’ll always look like this.”  *sniffle*

Manny: *looks uncomfortable* “Uh…good try, though.  Really, you did great.  ….Please don’t cry.”


Rogue spends her days working her way up the business ladder so she can complete her LTW and move out.  She’s currently a corporate drone, level 4–halfway there!

Rogue: “Aw, how come I can’t take the motive mobile instead of the carpool?”

Wolverine got barely any sleep last night–he needs it more than you do.


I felt the need to show you our cars.  The black one is the one we purchased for Ursula’s mid-life crisis wish, and the white one is the motive mobile for the uglacy line.  We also have Walter’s police cruiser (he named it Starsky), which is currently in someone’s inventory because I didn’t want to clutter up the lot with too many cars.

Wildly interesting, amirite?  Moving on…


It was a nice Thursday morning, so I tried to have Mystie call for her next opponent to come over, but the option was grayed out because the next opponent happened to be….


…her mother.

Ursula: “Make your move.  Make your move.  Make your move.  Make your–”

Mystie: “Would you shut up, Mom? I can’t concentrate!”

I think that’s the idea. XD


Ursula: “I kicked your ass, kid.”

Mystie: “I demand a rematch!”

She managed to beat her mom the second time, and moved up to rank 3!


Hehe, dryer bunny. XD


Gaaah, my game is SO SLOW.  They all have things in their queue they should be doing, and yet they stand around for an hour before they start moving towards those goals.

I am annoyed.


Wolverine: “I think I want to do something different for my birthday this time.”

Boinky: “Is it Boinky?  You want to do Boinky for your birthday?”

Wolfie: “No touchy!”


Wolfie: “Hi, River, I was wondering if you’d like to go camping with me, for our birthdays.  ….  Okay, great!  I’ll meet you there!”

Boinky: “Y U NO LOVE MEEEE?”


I love Legacy Island and it’s cute little romantic camping area. Wolfie brought a couple of cakes and set them up for himself and his love.


After a minor adjustment because the cakes bugged out on the picnic table…Wolverine and River became adults together.


Wolf’s nose exploded even more, which is a good thing for the uglacy, and his new trait is Loner.  That makes him a Insanely Mean and Disciplined Genius who likes to spend time alone.  Boinky, this means you.


River, stop being so cute!  You’re supposed to add ugly to our family and look at that cute smirk!  ><


Just then, I saw something glowing in the woods, and I told Wolverine to go catch it!  It’s a will-o’-the-wisp…never seen one in game before.


Anyway, by the time he got done with that, River had finished her slice of cake, and it was time for a little snuggling under the stars…


A proposal…


…And because I don’t think my game could handle an actual wedding (it has taken me TWO HOURS to play from the time Wolverine left the house to go to the campground to this point because of the lag), they had a quick one right then and there.


Here’s River’s intro pic.  Her favorite color is aqua, and she wants to be a Firefighter Super Hero.  FML.


The two newlyweds made straight for the tent to celebrate their first night as husband and wife.


Elsewhere, another couple was also “celebrating,” just for the hell of it.


Wolverine had tired River out so much at the campground that by the time she got home she headed straight to bed.  On the wrong side, of course. -.-  Still, I love how their room turned out!


For his part, Wolverine was accosted by Boinky as soon as he stepped in the door.

Boinky: “So what’s this about you getting married last night?!  You think I’m just going to sit here and take this treatment?  Well, you’ve got another think coming!”

Wolf: “Oh thank heavens, you’re leaving?”

Boinky: “….No, I was thinking I’d put saran wrap under your toilet seat or something.”


XD  Wolfie rolls more wants for the trampoline than anyone else in the house.


Ariel: “Walter, you add the color to my world.  You always have.”


Walter: “Gosh, I sure miss you, Ari.”


Walter: “What do you say, should we try this again?”

Ariel: “I’d love to.”

‘Bout time!


In the living room, Brennan’s giving the ladies a show.  Not that kind of show, you sickos!  Winking smile


Wolfie: “Yes, hello?  I’d like to register as an self-employed painter please.  It’s the perfect job for me, because no one will stare at my huge nose in disgust all day!”

Little more info than they needed to know I think, buddy.

River Song also joined the firefighter career.


Heeey, looks like we’re finally getting somewhere with these two!


What’s up, Rivs?  You’ve been standing in that same spot for an hour.

River Song: “I’m trying to pop a bump, but your game is extremely slow.”


At the same time across the house, Mystique was in a similar predicament.

Mystie: “Manny?  Could you call a doctor or something?  Can’t….move…”

Manny: “On it!”


River: “Finally!  I was starting to wonder if I was broken beyond all repair.”


Manny: The doctor says he’s comin’, but you got to pay in cash.”

Mystique: “Oh, there we go.  Nevermind about the doctor!”

It took 4 sim hours for her to pop. O.O  Generation 2 is on the way, people!


Oh yeah, and since River and Wolfie got married, Rogue gets to share a room with Sabre.  XD  Sorry, Rogue!

Rogue: *zzzZZZZzzz*and I don’t even get to use the motive mobile*zzzZZZZzzz*


Sabretooth: “You gotta fix your game, Voice.  I’m starving and I’m stuck like this except there’s no actual food in my hand.  Fail.”

Srs fail. ><  This is getting a little ridiculous. *reset sim*


Mystie: “Hi, Darleen!  I know I called you over to whip your ass at chess, but what would you say to a jump on the trampoline, first?”

Darleen: “Can you even do that when you’re pregnant?”

No, no she can’t.  Mystie and her wishes…lol.


Darleen: “I lost. Sad smile

Mystie: “Good game…on my part.”

Not a very good sport, are you Mystie?


Like father, like son, right?  Poor guy’s still biting his tongue in half.


XD  He reminds me a little of Jack Black.  No offense, Jack.  >.>

Jack: “None taken, dude, rock on!”


Manny had a wish to make a bed, so I just told him to clean the whole house.  He started cheering…lol.

Ariel: “That man is crazier than me…and I’m Insane!  ….But he sure does look hot diggity damn in that swim suit!”

True dat.


Okay, so, my game is almost unplayably (totally made that word up) slow, and part of it is probably the number of sims in my household.  This puddle on the floor is because Mystie wouldn’t go to the bathroom.  Free will is on high, but my sims just stand around unless I control their every move…and even then they stand around for a long time before they obey.  As much as I hate to do it, I think as soon as Ariel completes her LTW, I’m going to move out the founders and their husbands.  I’m sure SP will keep us updated on them.


Brennan: “You mean my grandson or granddaughter will soon inhabit this crib and I WON’T BE AROUND TO SEE IT?!  The horror!”

Aw, well who knows how long it’ll take Ariel to get that last half-point in writing…*sniff*  I’m gonna miss you, Brennan.

Okay, on that note, I think I’ll end this until next week.  But we can look forward to chapter 2.0 and BABIES! Open-mouthed smile  See you then!

12 thoughts on “1.7: Slow Game is SLOW

  1. The Dreams are a lot like that at the moment. I’m not really sure what to do. XD I was going to try that package combining thing but it just confused me. ;_;

    YAY, babies on the way!!!

    Boinky is hilarious by the way. “Is it Boinky? You want to do Boinky for your birthday?” LOL.

    Loved it, Styx! ❤ ❤

    • It confused me at first, too, but OPB told me how to work it. First thing to do is make a copy of your mods folder and move it somewhere else, as a backup. Then open the program. It should automatically find all your package files (make sure to remove all your hacks like master controller, etc…from your mods folder first). Then, when you’re on the packages tab, click on the first package listed and ctrl+A to select them all. Then the “install” button should light up; click it. Once everything is installed, click the Rebuild button on the left hand side of the launcher thing. It may take a while, but that should do it!

      Hope that helps! It sure helped me–my game is playable again! Glad you liked the update–Boinky cracks me up. XD

      • I take it that it will only work if one has those twallen’s mods, right? I have the same issues of sims standing around even though actions are cued in. I usually use that global reset command in frustrations..

        Will Boinky ever become real? He’s hilarious…creepy at times, but hilarious none the less. XD

  2. Laughed all the way. Also, “Ursula: “Do we really have to do this? I’m exhausted just looking at this thing.” Ariel: *writes like a mad woman* “Must…finish…LTW…””

    Aw, The Sisters, Also, Keeping writing Ariel *sellotapes to chair*

    Loved the Chapter. I think the game is slow due to the 600 sim *cough* Sorry the 1..2..4…8…10 Sims. The 2 embryos and the Imaginary Friends.

  3. Oh no, slowness and lagging! I feel your pain, Cait D: the grueing hours waiting for a sim to realize they are pregnant, the standing around… I hate it!

    I hope River gives you some ugly babies, even if she has her cute moments 🙂

  4. Aw, I’m gonna miss Ursula. 😦

    Great chapter, as always.

    I had the same troubles with all those glitches. I ALMOST went on a rampage and killed my Olympians and started over, but instead I decided to reinstall. It fixed things for the most part, but every so often I get this BIG lag spell. I hope the lagness goes away. 😦

  5. I’m glad you got your lagging game under control…I also realize from what you posted that I did do the Custom Launcher thing wrong…I couldn’t figure out how to install. I will try it again next time and hopefully will see some difference. Love this chapter! One thing’s for sure, Woflie and River’s baby will have a nose!! Can’t wait for Gen 3 babies! I sort of feel sorry for Boinky…he’s gotten kind of a bad reputation. He is a weird one though.

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