1.4: Family Ties


Thanks for joining us!  Last week on Heroes and Villains, Ariel decided to break up with her loving husband for just about no reason at all, Mystie and Rogue aged into moody teens, and little Wolverine was born!

We’ve got another eventful update ahead of us, so fasten your seat belts…


Ursula: *rolls wish to be mean to Rogue* “What the hell is your problem, lately?  You’re so grumpy and nasty all the time!”

Rogue: “No one in this family loves me because I’m not ugly enough!”


Ursula: *rolls wish to be friends with Rogue*  “Aw, come here, hon.  Of course we love you!”


Rogue: “…Really?”


Ursula: “Of course!  Here’s a gift to prove it.  Forget about the fact that I just yelled at you out of the blue for no apparent reason.”

My sims must be bipolar or something.


Anyway, how’s our little uglacy heir today?  Wow, looking much too cute there, Wolfie.  It must be because you’re a toddler.  All toddlers are cute.


Fortunately, that problem’s about to disappear.  Ariel didn’t wish to throw a party, so Wolfie grows up without a cake in the kitchen.


Okay, kid, let’s see some ugly!


Well, Rome wasn’t built in a day.  >.>  We have ten generations to breed in the nastiest genes we can find.  You’re a good start, though, Wolverine.

Wolverine: “Whatever.  You suck.”

He’s now Mean-Spirited, by the way.


Looks like Ariel will have to alternate sleeping times with Walter now that Wolfie has claimed his bunk.  Or she could just, y’know, make up with Walter and live happily ever after.


This is what Brennan does on autonomy.  All. The. Time.  But that’s okay, because he needs it for his LTW.


This is just to show Wolverine’s outfit, because I think it’s adorable.  His favorite color is red, so he’s got red accents to go with his generation’s white.


Ursula reached level 9 of the business career…why are you crying Urs?

Ursula: “They love me; they really love me!”


Ariel’s been busy working on the family portraits!  Ursula’s is a little blurry but Brennan’s looks awesome!  Thanks to Elocine for giving me the tip about how to get great portraits. Open-mouthed smile


Mystie: “Hey, Dad, do you think you could help me–“

Brennan: “Shhh!  This is the best part!”

Way to be involved with your child, buddy.


Uh oh.  This could be interesting. D:


The first wish she rolls is to move to a new house. -.-  Luckily, her panel was full, so I didn’t have to accept that one.  It’s against legacy rules to move.  ><


Things were pretty tame until the next day.  Brennan was (again) watching TV, and Urs had rolled the wish to finish a book.


So she finished it, and then cuddling ensued.


Which of course led to other things…


Which led to this!  ><


My rules tell me that wish must be obeyed, and so the two lovebirds spend some time in the sack.


D:  But you’re one step away from the top!  Oh well, at least she completed her LTW before she quit.  Now she’s a test subject.


Ursula: “Does this outfit make me look fat?”

Wolverine: *rushes out the door before he’s forced to answer*


Ursula: “Oh!  I’m not fat, I’m pregnant!”

Well, you’re half right. >.>


Yay, prom time!  They both went stag and I forgot to set them up with appropriate formal wear.  Bad simmer!


Mystie definitely had a better time than poor Rogue, and even scored the crown and a boyfriend!  I’ve never seen this Marcel guy, so we’ll have to invite him over sometime and see if he suits our purposes.


Here’s Mystiques memory table with her prom pic and crown and the little bento she made during her bistro field trip as a child.


Rogue’s looks much the same, minus the crown.  I think eventually I’m going to give each member of the family a memory wall, WYLSB-Rainbowcy style!  We just need a bit more room first.


Unlike Brennan, Ariel is happy to help her kids when they ask.  And Boinky is just as creepy as Wiggles with the staring.

Boinky: “Are you done yet?  Come plaaaay with meeeeee.”


But Boinky was foiled again when Ariel rolled the wish to play a game with her son and Wolverine rolled a wish to play catch with her.  D’awww.


Walter had an opportunity from work for which he needed martial arts skill.  Buydebug is useful for traveling avoidance. Winking smile


Mystique rolled up her LTW to be a chess master as a child, so we’re slowly working on it every time we get a free moment.  The hardest part is getting competitors to show up!


Both Brennan and Ursula kept rolling wishes for a hot tub, and we were finally able to afford one.  It was while relaxing in it one day that Ursula rolled up this beauty:


*sadface*  First Ariel and now you?  What am I going to do with you girls??


She needed a bit of support for her feelings, I guess, because she assaulted Mystie’s chess opponent with a barrage of questions.

Ursula: “Do you think it could just be my hormones?  I mean I’m pregnant and going through a mid-life crisis on top of that…”


Chess Lady: “Definitely not.  Men are pigs.  You should divorce him right away!”

Thanks, lady, you’re a big help.  ><


Our second poor, unsuspecting soon-to-be-ex-husband found his wife in the front yard and started gushing about their incoming baby.

Brennan: “I’m so excited to have a newborn again!  Don’t worry, I’ll get up every night and feed the baby so you can get your rest–“


Ursula: “I know you’re excited about the baby, Brennan, but let’s face it: you’re a lazy slob who spends all day either watching TV or playing the damn guitar!”

Brennan: “Wha-what are you saying?”



Brennan: “WTF, Ursula?!  I thought things were good between us!  I love you!”

Ursula: “Yeah, well you thought wrong.”

I’m hating my girls right now. ><


Rogue has had the opportunity to mail a rainbow gem to the science center locked in for sooo many days now.  Most nights after school she’s out combing the neighborhood, and she’s amassed quite the collection of all gems, rocks, and metals other than rainbow gems.


On this particular trip to the park, she noticed something else at the park we just had to have…


And now he’s our first gnome of the family! ❤  His name is Encino Man.


Aha!  So this is Marcel.  He’s okay.  Kind of face one, but we’ll give him the benefit of the doubt and let him remain Mystie’s boyfriend for the time being. Until someone better comes along.


*tsk tsk*  Marcel, you’re not making me love you right now.


There hasn’t been much of Ariel in this update, and that’s because pretty much all she does is paint all day.  But look, she finished her portrait and Walter’s!


BAHAHAHA.  Just had to take this picture to show you all the formal outfit Ursula rolled as an adult.  *wheeze*  I hate these cc outfits which mess with the shape of my sims’ bodies, but this struck me as ridiculously funny. XD


Another non-Athletic sim who rolled the want to workout!  My sims are weird.  But more power to them!  Wish they could send me a little of that drive… >.>


Boinky: “You’d better be devising a potion to turn me real, kid.”

Wolverine: “Must. Ignore. Creepy. Doll.”

Unlike Rogue, Wolfie hardly ever interacts with his IF if he can help it.


Poor Brennan has been relegated to the couch since Ursula dumped him, and in his exhausted state he missed what was happening in the other room…


His baby had decided to come out!


Ursula: “That wasn’t so tough!”


Meet baby boy Sabretooth!


Aaaaand then Ursula rolls this want.  Sigh.


Another of Ursula’s mid-life crisis wishes was to spend $10,000 upgrading the house, so we added a nursery and a huge basement!


Brennan: “Oh why, why did she do it?  I live only for her, and she broke my heart!”

He does this every 5 minutes. Sad smile


Wolverine: “Yuck!  This stuff is gross!”

Ariel: “The Grim Reaper comes to collect little boys who do not appreciate the dinners their mothers make.”

Wolverine: *chokes it down and tries not to throw up*


Brennan: “My heart bleeds, but you, little guy, you are its band-aid.”

Wow, Sabre’s skin is a lot darker than Brennan’s!


Ursula: “Why did I break up with my husband?”

Beats me.  Oh, and you’re smothering your child.  In the literal sense.

Sabre: “Help…me!”


Ursula, after wanting to expand the house, rolled the wish to buy a car worth at least $10,000.  Sooo we used a few of Brennan’s amassed LTR points and YAY inheritance!  I wonder which Skipton I just murdered? D:


Also on Ursula’s wish list: A makeover.

Notzo Curious: “Hmm, how do you expect me to work with this?  Well, let’s see what I can do!”


Notzo: “Yes!  Beautiful, I like!”

Ursula: “Meh.”


So, she had some other lady try, liked this one better, and returned home satisfied.


Ursula: “Sweet dreams, little man.  It’s your birthday tomorrow!”


She even rolled the wish to throw him a party, not that any of the guests bothered to pay attention.


Rogue: “Yay, little cousin!  Grow up cute!”



Well, thank heavens for Mystique!

He totally looks like a Fraggle.

See you all next week!

39 thoughts on “1.4: Family Ties

  1. Ohmygod. o_0 That is the most terrifying toddler I’ve ever seen.

    Poor poor Brennan. *hugs him* I felt so sorry for him. At least Sabretooth’s t-shirt says ‘my dad rocks’. Someone loves him! XD

    Mid-life crisis looks like fun… o_0 Not…

  2. I was fine with Walter and Ariel but I just want to punch Ursula she was the happily married sister who had a good husband and I’m so mad at her. Aww, *hugs Brendan as he cries*

    Also, Mystique is the better looking of the Prettacy Kids.

    • I knoooow! Poor Brennan. 😦 She did roll the wish to get married again, so we’ll see what happens…

      Yes, Mystique will definitely be heiress, unless Sabre throws a wrench in my plans and rolls evil at his child birthday. ><

  3. Rofl that’s what you get for saying all toddlers are cute! XD

    Poor Brennan! Those wishes can really throw a curve ball at times, hopefully Ursula will come to her senses soon and stop being a witch to Brennan 😦

  4. So much for all toddlers are cute, eh…
    I look forward to every update because I know I be rolling… and here it was again… “come on, let me see ugly..” ahahaha your comments are brilliant!
    and the Ari and Urs might just be in some sort of hormonal imbalance…

  5. That’s why if I ever decide that one rule in a future legacy is the ‘no wish gets left behind’ rule, I’m going to invest in a mood changer ASAP. It gets rid of that moodlet and those little wishes that ruin sims lives every time they turn 33. I don’t think that would be breaking the rules 😉

    Wolverine looks pretty good for a cute kid with a big nose. I expect good ugly things coming from him! But poor Sabertooth D: Wonder why he’s such an unexpected color… kinda looks like Notzo’s <___<

    • Ooooh, now I wish I had thought of that! But I’d never had a mid-life crisis in game before, so kinda wanted to see what would happen. Drama drama drama!

      Yeah, his nose is really the only ugly part about Wolfie, but it’s only the first gen, so I’m sure we have plenty of time to uglify the line. XD Bwahahaha, now that would be funny if he turned out to be Notzo’s.

      (My oldest daughter is super dark skinned, even though her dad and I are both white. Once, a waitress asked me if she was half-black, even though her dad was sitting right across from me at the table! O.O)

  6. LOVED THIS. Sabretooth should really get a makeover. Or maybe a new face. He and Rogue should trade places: him in the uglacy and her in prettacy.

  7. lol I was shocked to see little Sabretooth age up… I’ve never seen a scary-looking toddler before! I’ve gotta say that Mystique is my favorite of this gen so far. She’s awesome!

    I’m glad my tip helped with the portraits! I know it vastly improved mine.

    For some reason, both Rusty and Alice went through the Mid-Life Crisis thing, but neither one of them rolled any of the wishes. They both ended their crises feeling ‘unfulfilled’. Oh well, at least they’re not divorced, I guess!

    • I’ve never seen a scary toddler either! He sure takes the cake for ugly, even if he DID get Brennan’s nose. Mystique is fun! I heart her.

      The portraits look amazing, thanks to you! I appreciate it!

      That’s weird. :/ But yeah, at least they didn’t have to overhaul their whole lives! lol

  8. ROFLMAO at that toddler!!! Misty looks a lot better for the Prettacy. Shut up I can’t spell and I’m so lazy I don’t want to scroll up and look at how to spell her name XD I LoL’d at all of this. I hope that with this new “wants to get married” wish Ursula rolls that she will get back with Brenan, I ❤ him!

  9. ….. Look at that toddler! It is the most terrifying thing I have ever seen… Omg 0__o
    Well, on a positive note I loved all of this of course, and Wolvarine is like really cute. Aaand omg I love this legacy <33

  10. Remind me to laugh later. Oh my god, I had to hold in the giggles when I saw Sabre, because Shen is asleep. But … wow. Just … wow. I don’t think he’ll be the heir, do you? xD

  11. Sabre does look like a Fraggle…I hadn’t seen that show in years and then watched it last week with my son! Funny coincidence. I hope Ursula takes Brennan back…poor Brennan.

    • I used to love that show as a kid! I haven’t seen it since then, but it’s crazy that you just watched it with Gabe! Kind of cool. XD Didn’t know if anyone would know what I was talking about..hehe.

  12. ARGH Ursula, you douche nipple. …wow I just said that.

    LOVE Mystique! She’s totally boss. I think she and Wolverine are my favorites.

    Gotta love the IF’s right?

    I have a newfound respect for the legacy writers who follow the No Wish Left Behind rule. I tried it with my Olypmians and very nearly ran into traffic with my computer strapped to my side. :/

    • Bwahaha I burst out laughing at “douche nipple,” hehehehe.

      I’m glad you like them, because they are my first choices for heirship!

      IFs…*shudder* They sure are creepy, at least in this save.

      This is my first time trying the rule, and it does kind of make me want to pull my hair out at some points. >..> I will definitely check out your story when I get a spare moment…I already read the first chapter and was amused. ^^

    • 1) Thanks! I’m having a tun of fun with these guys!
      2) Bwahahaha, my dear friend Orangeplumbob sent me that and a lot of other scifi posters. ❤ her! I'm hoping she'll be putting them on her CC site soon: http://opbsims.wordpress.com. If not, I'll see if I can get her permission to upload them to mediafire. 😉

  13. …Sabretooth scares me :S
    I’ve been reading up to this point and I’m verrry curious to what those two woohoo moodlets were with Ursula 😮
    And Rogue is beautiful :3 okay. Done commenting~

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